It's incredibly sad to hear of the passing of Dave Dale, a definite friend of Red Chuck Productions over the years.
For so many years, Dave appeared in my life in random, unexpected of places. We finally sat down and got to know each other when I moved to Niles, chatting about music and art and taco sauces. He was one of my favorite interviews on Anywhere The Needle Drops. I was always excited when Elephant Rescue was playing, as the music never disappointed and always got us dancing. Though I'll miss our random encounters, I hope you've found peace, buddy.
I'm going to jump way ahead in the AtND Remasters and get Dave's episode back into the world ASAP. Much of the work has already been done, so it may be even as early as today.
In the meantime, here's a written interview I did with Dave a few years back: A Conversation With Dave Dale of Elephant Rescue