lord, i'm discouraged
Discouraged or no, we continue the fight for hope and light. And even when we win, we keep on working, because we'll lose again and we've gotta keep this train rolling regardless. None of us can save the world, but we can try to be on the right side of things during our time here.
I've been doing some long overdue digging into Springsteen demos released in various boxed sets while I await the release of the Boss' newest album (one week!). I also realized, three weeks late, that The Menzingers had put together a pandemic-album. And I call myself a music nerd. They took the tunes of Hello Exile and, working from the isolation of our COVID reality, tooled them into softer cuts in a collection appropriately titled From Exile. Find that one on Bandcamp.
In case you missed it on our social media, there's even more music to check out. The Crane Wives released their live album, Here I Am, yesterday. Recorded during their last pre-pandemic performance and including previously unreleased material, this warm and lovely music is just what we needed in these dark and cold times. Swing over to Bandcamp and drop some cash in the till so you can add this one to your library and, even more important, to support independent music.
I chatted with the Crane Wives on the podcast a few years back, when the world seemed less insane and live music and hugging were still a thing. You can check that out here: https://traffic.libsyn.com/.../redchu.../The_Crane_Wives.mp3
Outside of music, I've been finding light in the work of Baratunde lately, both through his newsletter and his new podcast about "reclaiming our collective power", How To Citizen. I'll leave you with this statement from The Recommentunde Newsletter: "I believe that there is no permanently good place we get to, which means there is no permanently terrible place either."
Until next time.
WQPM playlists are a collection of ten songs I've been listening to this week, crossing genre, era, and taste. No themes here, just the tunes I've been sticking in my ears lately. The newest Weekly Quick Pick Mix is available on Spotify and Apple Music.
