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and what I'm frightened of is that they call it "god's love"

February 25th, 2022

The Red Chuck Précis

(Weekly lyrics from Bad Religion/Gods Love)


Hey world!

Folks, I had a blast this past weekend. As mentioned last week, my favorite annual event, Thundersnow, took place, and though the music event was virtual for a second year, it was still an amazing time full of music, art, awesome humans, and fun. One of my favorite entries from the event came from Antlercat, a project of Garth of The Rutabega, one of our past guests on Anywhere The Needle Drops:

See more highlights from the event in your links below.



Made You A Mix

Weekly Virtual Mix Tape: February 25th, 2022

The Red Chuck Weekly Virtual Mix Tape playlists are a collection of ten songs I've been listening to this week, crossing genre, era, and taste. No themes, just the tunes I've been sticking in my ears lately.

Available on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, & YouTube.

Support those bands on Bandcamp or their websites by purchasing that music.


Made You A List

A collection of links & reads I've been sticking in my brain the past week.

Other favorite videos from Virtual Thundersnow 2022:

We're living through some interesting times in regards to how we choose our government here in Michigan.

Fascinating info.

So cool. #spaceisneat

We're not perfect nor have we ever been, but we can improve. Let us never forget our failures so we can continue to grow and improve and remember that restitution is possible, necessary, and helps us all.

“Literally at gunpoint, we were ordered out of our home."

"Some people had their life savings taken from them just because we looked like the people who bombed Pearl Harbor"

“Collectively, Japanese-Americans forced into internment camps lost more than six billion dollars adjusted for inflation”

“We can identify who is injured and who deserves how much. It's really about willingness.”

The Rogan situation has touched on a number of issues, from the music industry, to free speech, capitalism, and race. Baratunde does a wonderful breakdown of many of the branches of this ongoing situation.

"But silencing, as in, “unable to be heard” isn’t on the table. Joe Rogan would reach millions of people without Spotify. We know this because before his exclusive deal with the company, Joe Rogan already reached millions of people with his podcast which was distributed."

"He’s questioned established science, which on its face isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Science is a process, not an outcome, and questions are part of the process...But Rogan engages haphazardly and lazily, repeating skeptical questions right alongside false assertions, agreeing with nonsense alongside common sense, creating a fog of confusion around an already confusing topic."


The Red Chuck Précis is a weekly blog including my recent thoughts, a virtual mix tape playlist (available on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, & YouTube), and a list links, reads, & other interesting things I've found from around the Web.


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